Thursday, January 30, 2025
Tags Tutorial

Tag: Tutorial

What To Consider When Choosing A WordPress Themes

Premium WordPress themes ,What To Consider When Choosing A WordPress Themes Put another way, how much easier is buying a bottle of wine when...

The Curious Case of Specialty WordPress Themes

Have you ever needed a website that should be built with Wordpress Themes, but also should push the boundaries of this beautiful content management...

Customizing WordPress Themes Archives For Categories

Most WordPress Themes users are familiar with tags and categories and with how to use them to organize their blog posts. If you use...

Quick Tour Of WordPress 4

WordPress Themes has released the first release candidate (RC) for the upcoming 4.0 version. According to the official version numbering, WordPress 4.0 is no...

Speed Up Your WordPress Themes

WordPress Themes can be more faster than you think let's see how !!? A few months ago, I ran an experiment to see how much...

Using PHPMyAdmin with WordPress Themes

WordPress Themes PHPMyAdmin - or PMA - is an excellent free, open source web-based database client which can be used to interact more easily...

Powerful WordPress Themes Tips And Tricks

I’ve been working with WordPress since the dawn of time, and even though I peek at the source code regularly, I still discover new...

Migrating A Website To WordPress

Now powering over 17% of the Web, WordPress is increasingly becoming the content management system (CMS) of choice for the average user. But what...

Create A Twitter Widget

How To Create A Twitter Widget for your WordPress Themes . Twitter needs no introduction.Wordpress Themes It has become the way to reach...

How To Contribute To WordPress Themes Community

How To Contribute To WordPress Themes Community WordPress is built by volunteers. People from all over the world collaborate to create the core software, write...

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