Sunday, September 8, 2024
Home Daily Diary News Depression Symptoms and Warning Signs, Understanding Depression

Depression Symptoms and Warning Signs, Understanding Depression

Should human being interfere in the nature’s (godly ) processes?  There are many examples of human interferences but some of the extreme examples are because of depression , loss of hopes , prestige, or being bankrupt (financially or mentally). Science has advanced and we could today unravel many secrets of the nature, but still birth and death are the questions to which we still do not have a definitive answer.

What is life? Yes, it is a gift of god for various reasons. But, what if those reasons aren’t clear enough? Life is about living our dreams. But, what if those dreams feel less or not at all exciting every now and then?

Recently, the abrupt departure of one of the talented actors Sushant Singh Rajput has left Bollywood and the nation in an unexpected shock.  What actually shook us was that a young and a brilliant actor like him who was of mere 34 years, despite having all the privileges, takes his own life. Many sources claim it was because he suffered from ‘mental illness’ as his work life wasn’t going so smooth and he felt so suffocated that he decided to put an end to it. Who could believe a person having nearly 10 million followers on social media would be so lonely in real life? This upsetting news also proves to be an example of that money and fame can’t buy everything. If our heart and mind aren’t in peace then, the unhappy mental condition of a person can lead to a sad end of life.

What is Depression? It is related to the psychological issue of dealing with ones mental state. It is more like the physical illness of the brain that causes disturbances in our thinking, behavior and emotions. Like it causes the feeling of constant guilt over a plan we failed to accomplish. Basically, it is a state of mood when one feels sad or sorry, and sometimes feels too lonely to share their thoughts with anyone. This problem can be faced by people of all age groups.

Feeling sad about any situation that didn’t go up to what we expected is pretty normal. But if this sadness becomes constant and without anyone doing anything we get these negative vibes of suffering from ourselves, then it is a problematic situation. And this is the situation of psychological frustration.

We the human being plan our lives, make timely goals but, we may or may not achieve those goals. Life is constant analysis of our dreams, of our targets , our approaches, likely or delivered outcome.we may achieve it on time, lag behind or fail but, our ambitions and will power drives the journey of the life.  When it feels likes our goals are somehow difficult to achieve, we go for plan B. But when nothing happens according to our plans, we feel like we have failed ourselves. Quoting a dialogue from a very motivating movie Chhichhore “Everyone has a plan after achieving success, but if you fail by mistake, then how do you need to deal with your failure…No one talks about that.” This dialogue says a lot about the situation faced by the present generation. This thought of failure grows into anxiety and if not taken care of, can lead to depression. The guilt and the feeling of worthlessness can be so bad that it can even lead one to have suicidal thoughts.

Not just failure in our plans, but there can be a list of handful reasons why we feel these unhappy emotions. Stress of any kind for a long period can turn to depression too. Let me illustrate it with a couple of examples, imagine you are holding a glass full of water, for how long can you hold it- for one minute, 5 minutes, 10 minutes…for each passing moment stress increases on the hand and a time comes when it is difficult to hold the glass unless you get an external support which could be either putting it to a surface like a table or a chair or support of your another hand. This is how stress slowly keeps doing its work and a time comes , if you are too lonely without any support(emotional) you may break. School children / senior students committing suicide not because they got failed but because they could not finish on top, a seer peer pressure.When we go through a painful trauma like losing your near and dear ones, their non- existence creates a void within us as we don’t have anyone to share your feelings with and it becomes tough to accept the reality. Even at times, a person can also be vulnerable to depression when they start thinking they have no company and are living life all by themselves. Lack of social support can also make a person feel lonely and left out.


It is said that suicide is a cowardly move, but what we don’t understand the journey of an individual to reach that break point. When did one loses hope, when did one feels about sinking and when did one feel that no one can help, such a situation instigate that person to take the ultimate step.  The question we should be asking is what made a person chose this specific path? What I believe is that most of the suicides happen because people want to end their misery. They think of it as the only solution to end their pain. But we should know, suicide is not about ending the pain, it is about passing the pain to your loved ones. There might be plenty of reasons of ending your life but the thought of how your parents, children, siblings, friends and relatives would feel when you are no more is the worst fear.

Depression is a serious topic and we should open up more about it. If not cured at the right time, there can be major consequences. People start creating their own reality and live in it. This situation causes the problem of multiple personality disorder also known as schizophrenia.  Where in a person develops more than one personality that functions with or without the awareness of the person’s usual personality. The best solution for this is talking about the problems rather than having unnecessary medicines to calm your nerves. Opening up about your situation to someone you completely trust can make you feel light and less worried. Having therapy sessions has also proved to be effective. We should let the distressed people know that we are there to help as depressed people don’t often call out for help. We should be humble to each other rather than making someone feel so miserable that they start thinking about the world without them.

Again quoting from the same movie “We’re so lost in thinking about winning, losing, success, failure that we’ve forgotten about living life….the most important thing in life is the life itself.” We should stay strong. We should dream our dreams, and never let anyone take them away from us.


Helpline number for people dealing with depression (India): 022 2754 6669


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