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RJS PBH- RJS Positive Media puts spotlight of Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita VS Old IPC

RJS PBH – RJS Positive Media, in association with Ujjwal Women’s Association, organised today (Sunday, the 14th of July, 2024) a National Webinar in the context of World Day for International Justice (17.07.2024). The theme of the webinar was “Decoding IPC: New vs Old”. Prof. Bejon Kumar Mishra, International Consumer Policy Expert and Founder, Consumer Online Foundation, was in the Chair, while Ms Bina Jain, Founder, Ujjwal Women Association and Patron, AIWC was the Chief Guest. The various aspects of the new laws applicable from 1.07.2024 were sought to be analysed by guests, keynote speaker as well as in the interactive session with participants.

Shri Aditya Jha, Associate, Resolve Legal moderated the discussions.

Prof. Yuthika Mishra, President, Ujjawal Women’s Association, in her welcome address, said that the new Criminal justice laws are in the direction of what is called ‘decolonising’ of the old laws . She was of the opinion that emphasis in the Bhartiya Nyaya Sanhita is on providing unbiased, prompt justice to the people keeping in view Constitutional rights of the people.

She welcomed the guests and also congratuled Ms.Bina Jain on her birthday today.

Ms Jyotika Kalra, Managing Partner, Resolve Legal, informed that the old IPC that continues to apply to pre-1.07.2024 cases, had 511 Sections, whereas the new law has fewer Sections, as several Sections have been put under same Section now and several have been deleted. Several of the omitted provisions, it was elaborated, had eariler been been found ultra vires by the judiciary. It was also pointed out by her that actually most of the provisions of IPC have been incorporated in new laws, and only about 5% or more are new additions. The ealier Sections also stand renumbered in BNS. Therefore, Ms.Kalra discussed these dozen or so provisions in her analysis.

It was mentioned that just bringing in new laws may not yield desired results of improvement in justice delivery system unless there are more funds allocated, more Courts set up, more judicial officers are there, more and better equipped, modernised police force is there to deal with the cases of various kinds in technological times . The backlog of pending cases in various courts, as per uncertain data, as huge as 3.4 crore cases to 5 crore cases, is quite enormous.

The questions raised by the Chairperson about transparency and accountabilty of judicial system etc sustained on people’s taxes and those raised by the Chief Guest about delays etc in functioning of courts, were responded to by Ms Kalra by suggesting that, since these aspects were not relevant to the theme under discussion, as were as also the issues raised by Mohd.Ishaq Khan or Deedewar Ji, it would be better to devote another RJS PBH Webinar to go into the questions of what ails the the functioning of the justice delivery system, since there is much that ails the society too in present times.

Ms Poonam Mittal, Treasurer, Ujjwal Women’s Association proposed vote of thanks.

Shri Uday Manna, Founder, RJS PBH RJS Positive gave details of the forthcoming events and drew attention to the forthcoming RJS PBH function on 11.08.2024 when RJS PBH book Amritkal Ka Sakaratmak Bharat Granth Vol. 3 will be dedicated to the public. Prof. Bijon Mishra, who is also RJS PBH Adviser, invited Ujjwal Women’s Association to participate in the RJS PBH function in large numbers.


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