Sunday, February 9, 2025
Home Politics Restrict Authors to Specific Category in WordPress

Restrict Authors to Specific Category in WordPress

Running a multi-author site efficiently requires a good editorial workflow. If you have authors working on a specific topic, then one of the things you can do is limit their publishing capability only to a specific category. In this article, we will show you how to restrict authors to specific category in WordPress.

This is particularly useful if you have an author specific column on your site. Perhaps something like Dear Abby, or maybe you want to only allow certain authors to write in the Tech Category.

Author Specific Blog Column

Video Tutorial

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First thing you need to do is install and activate the Restrict Author Posting plugin. Upon activation, you need to go to Users screen, and click on the edit link next to the user you want to restrict.

On the user’s profile page, scroll down to the Restrict Author Post to a categorysection and select the category for the user to post into.

Restricting an author to a category

Next time the user creates or edits a post they will see the notification that they are allowed to post only in that particular category.

Author restricted to post into specific category only

If you want to remove the restriction from an author account, then simply visit their user profile again and scroll down to the Restrict Author Post to a category section. This time you need to select “No Restrict” to remove the restriction.

We hope this article helped you restrict authors to specific categories on your WordPress site.

If you liked this article, then please join us on Twitter or subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials.


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