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Home Daily Diary News RJS PBH has connected the World in the Bharat -Vandan Vasudhaiv Kutumbakam...

RJS PBH has connected the World in the Bharat -Vandan Vasudhaiv Kutumbakam part 2 program

New Delhi. RJS PBH organised today Part 2 of Positive Media Dialogue, AKSBU 248, “Bharat Vandan Vasudhaiv Kutumbakam”. The Co-host of the webinar was Dr. Shweta Goel, lecturer, author and motivational Speaker, who is from Australia and is currently in India to attend RJS PBH function on 11.08.2024. Others who were present were Dr. Hari Singh Pal, Editor, Saurabh, New York, USA and Member, Hindi Advisory Committee, who chaired the Webinar; Gopal Baghel “Madhu”, Poet and author, Founder Director Akhil Vishwa Hindi Samiti, Toronto (Canada) was Guest Speaker; Mona (Mauna) Kaushik, Founder, Devam Foundation and The Indo-Bulgarian Society for Arts and Culture, Sofia, Bulgaria was also Guest Speaker.

The participants were from various States of India, AP, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Raj, Assam, Guj, Himachal Pradesh, etc.; and from far-flung regions of the globe, from USA, Canada, Australia, Bulgaria. They were from academic and other backgrounds and were glad to participate in the webinar. Among them, to name a few, were Vijaya Bharti, Pankaj Parikh, Dr. Ramesh Chand, Dr. Nagnath, and others. Ms Bharti from HP, who is doing PhD turned the mirror on the plight of the third gender and young Kinner etc in Dera and invoked the help of Dr. Hari Pal Singh and RJS PBH Founder in the pathetic social issue. Miss Bharti’s narration made Shri Uday Manna ji speechless for a while, and he said that time has come to bring the need of positive solutions to all stakeholders, whether legislators and others.

Shri Deep Chand Mathur in his address to the guests from RJS PBH international family said that the two concepts of bowing to motherland and treating humanity as one family are central to RJS PBH thought.
Dr.Hari Singh Pal, in his address pointed out that old and new participants in the webinar hail from Delhi, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Australia, Bulgaria and Canada and spread feelings and fragrance of Bharatiya culture which has also given the message of world being one family. As the webinar was being organised on friendship day, he said that friendship dissolves barriers of creed, caste, region, religion etc. There are 30 million Indian diaspora who are not only contributing to our economy but are spreading our cultural values in different parts of the world where they work in diverse fields.

Ishaq Khan cited from the Gita etc to show what is meant by duty and how one needs to be reminded of one’s tremendous inner strength. RJSian RS Kushwaha and Satender and Suman Tyagi also joined the webinar. Satender and Suman recited prayer for welfare of all and it was repeated by others.

Homage was given to Rashtrakavi Maithili Sharan Gupta by Dr. Hari Pal Singh wgo briefly recapitulated the great poet’s contribution.

For new participants, Shri Manna ji recalled how several years ago, while still a broadcaster in Akashvani, Parl Street, New Delhi, he started efforts to spread positivity in thr country.

It emerged from AKSBU 248 that the efforts of RJS PBH to instill positivity in society is being appreciated by compatriots and also gradually by people from various corners of the world too.


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