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Ashok Kumar Malik & R S Kushwaha came forward to boot RJS PBH ‘S 10 Point Manifesto @2024-25

New Delhi.
RJS PBH in association with Deedewar Jeevan Jyoti, Patel Nagar, New Delhi organised today Sunday the 4th of August, 2024 a meeting in both physical and virtual mode to discuss and take decision on how to implement the RJS PBH manifesto having ten action-points as formulated by Shri Uday Manna, Founder and National Convener, RJS Positive Media and RJS PBH. This manifesto will feature prominently during the forthcoming RJS PBH function on 11th August 2024 to celebrate 78th Indian Independence Day.

Among those who participated in the deliberations are the following:
Deep Chand Mathur Ji,
Prof.Bejon Kumar Misra ji,
Prafull D.Seth and Ranjanben Ji,
Surjeet Singh Deedewar Ji,
Ashok Kumar MalikJi,
Important decisions were taken to give impetus to the Sakaratmak Bharat Uday Andolan so as to reach its positive message across the world in this year declared by Shri Manna Ji as Sakaratmak Varsh!

An impetus was given to the Sakaratmak Bharat Uday Andolan in that Shri Rajindra Singh Kushwaha said that he would sponsor the RJS PBH monthly Newsletter for the entire year 2024-25.

Shri Surjit Singh Deedewar gave a vibrant message to RJSians to strengthen the movement.

Shri Ashok Kumar Malik, Poet and RJS PBH Spokesperson, conveyed that he would devote a Series of Global Positive Media Dialogues to the memory of his dear mother, Vidyawati Malik (1924-2021) with the theme Nature Conservation. The holistic theme will concentrate light on various aspects of Nature, the Cosmos, Poetry and Literature, Philosophy, Science, and so on.

Prof. Bejon Kumar Mishra agreed to the tenpoint manifesto to which those present at Deedewar Jeevan Jyoti Hall, Patel Nagar agreed.
The RJS PBH Adviser said manifesto gives transparency to efforts. Every contributor to the resources of the movement on voluntary basis may do based on his capability and comfortable frequency.

RJS Observer Deep Chand Mathur Ji threw light on the ten- point manifesto: commencing RJS PBH website; starting monthly newsletter afresh; Yatras; RJS PBH Granth Amritkal Ka Sakaratmak Bharat; starting RJS PBH’s own Studio, etc. He congratulated Shri Manna Ji on the RJS PBH Studio and assured support.

In the context of what Prof. Mishra and Praful D.Seth said and advised, Shri Deep Chand Mathur and Shri Manna threw light as to the continuing efforts of RJS PBH to progress as fast as as possible despite challenges.


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